Friday, November 27, 2009

Our Military-Our Country-Our President

While most of us spend our Thanksgiving holiday with our family and loved ones there are those that are thousands of miles away. Away from their homes, away from their families, risking their lives to allow us to sit down and eat turkey with the ones we hold dear.
As we sit in our lazy-boys watching football with a stomach full of turkey, know that there is someone in Washington, D.C. that is full of something else.
Soon you will hear President Obamas speech in which he will be talking about sending 30,000+ troops to Afghanistan. I will give him SLIGHT praise for making this move. However, let us not forget that his generals have been asking for this for over three months. They also requested at least 40,000. It's obvious to me, once again, I have been right all along. This may come as a shock to my new readers but I feel obligated to tell you that I am never wrong. What i say you can take to the bank.

In this speech you will hear President Obama talk about his reasons for sending the additional troops. He may even give you a limited outline on his plans on winning the war. Make no mistake folks, democrats do NOT want us to win this war. The democratic party of today is rooting for a U.S. victory about as much as those in the Taliban are. However, they know they have to put on a good show or else it would be political suicide.

Some of you may think my views are extreme. Again let me remind you that I don't base my views on simply because I'm a republican. I base them on facts. I base them on truth that is told through LEGIT media and not those that are in the tank for Obama.

Finally, I will let YOU decide without me putting my two cents in. Below I will attach a story that you need to read and make up your own mind. Keep in mind, this is OBAMA'S military now. Carollee, and all you others who may have friends or family that are serving in the military need to read this story and take it very seriously. I would be willing to bet that the majority of you haven't even heard about this. Why? Because it proves my point, the media is in the tank for Obama. What you will read in this story has sickened me beyond belief. After you read this story talk to your friends. Call your family. Get the word out about this story. This story HAS to be told. It has to be known. It has to be understood that this is happening under President Barack Hussein Obama's watch. It is HIS administration that is pushing for this.

Once you have read this story, if you have the time, quickly scan over my earlier blogs and you will see all the evidence for yourself. You will see and finally understand that the democratic party is 100% anti-american. If the tables were turned and this was George W. Bush there would be cries for impeachment. You won't hear those cries now even though I'm sure there are those on the republican side that think it. They will remain silent out of fear of being branded a racist. Even if they were to speak they would be swept under the rug by the media. My take on it is this. I do NOT want President Barack Hussein Obama impeached. I want him to serve his full term. I want him to do so much damage to this country so all the idiots that voted for him will see what they have done. I want those people that voted for him just because he is black to see what he has done. I want those white people that voted for him out of fear of being labeled a racist to see what he has done. I want those that voted for him because they wanted "change" to see the change they forced upon us all.
The United States of America is at her weakest in our history............................and it's only just begun.,2933,576646,00.html

1 comment:

  1. i read that story, but i'm so politically ignorant that i don't really understand how to connect it with everything else going on. There's some things that I just don't care to know because the administration is gonna do what it wants to do whether i take the time to really get into it or not. What concerns me more than the deeper issues that make no sense to me is the people around me that complain about everything to no end and show no appreciation to what they do have. I guess that's natural for most people, and I do have to admit that I never took it personal before my husband became an Infantryman. I guess knowing that he could die so these people can still run their mouths makes me want to shake the ungratefulness right out of them. But I need to realize that the irony of this all is that most people seriously do NOT realize why or how they are so FREE to speak and live. And I'm just too pessimistic to try and make them see it... but I am proud of your passion and appreciate your support. Thank you for that.
