Monday, November 23, 2009

I Amaze Others But Not Myself

What I find amazing is that not all of the people find me amazing. I've yet to fully understand it. The only thing I can think of is that my confidence seems to come across as arrogance to some people. When one does nothing but speak the truth and others have different views it tends to rub them the wrong way. Case in point, liberals. Liberals and democrats are liars, plain and simple. Liberals and democrats are people that impose PC rules on others all the while living a lifestyle that goes totally against what they preach. Ex: Liberals claim to love the black man and all minorities while they claim that the eeeeeeeeevil conservatives are the REAL racists. Let me provide you with some material that will prove who the true racist party is.

"A brutally violent act that, in effect, stabbed Dr. King paving the way back toward slavery.

At night, the enemies of civil rights strike in white sheets, burning crosses. . . . By day, they strike in black robes." ~Jesse Jackson (D) referring to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (R) vote on affirmitave action

"If you give Thomas a little flour on his face, you’d think you had [former Klansman] David Duke." ~SanFrancisco mayor Willie Brown (D) in reference to Clarence Thomas (R)

"He's a a handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom."~ Spike Lee refering to Clarence Thomas

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American presidential candidate who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." ~ VP Joe Biden refering to his future boss President Barack Hussein Obama.

"In Deleware you cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.” ~ VP Joe Biden refering to the Indian population in his homestate of Delware.

"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on. Sen. Obama's support among working, hardworking Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me. There's a pattern emerging here." ~Sen. Hillary Clinton during the '08 Presidential Campaign

These are just a few examples I could give you. What is different about me that makes myself and my blog so awesome is that I give you the news before it actually happens. This proves a couple of points. 1) I know what I'm talking about and 2) I'm always right.

Ex. Global Warming. If you read my blog about this subject you will know where I stand. I published that blog because 1) It was the TRUTH and 2) I feel the need to do my best to stop this growing religion in its tracks. I've gotten a huge backlash from friends and family about my "in your face" style of writing regarding this subject. My own Aunt has disowned me for playing the "polar bear" card. "How could I be so heartless as to not care about the polar bears", she asked. Which in essence proved my point on how liberals tug at the heartstrings of people instead of allowing them to use common sense. Above you will notice an article that I copied and pasted to this blog. This is an article in the April '1975 issue of NewsWeek that speaks of an impending ice age. So in the matter of roughly 25 years we have went from freezing to death to burning in a ball of flames?

The only thing "man-made" about global warming is the "threat" it possesses to our earth. If polar bears were actually in danger of extinction of course I would care. However they are not. So to dispell the myth of global warming yet again I will provide you with even MORE facts about this pretend issue.

"There aren't just a few more bears. There are a ... lot more bears," biologist Mitchell Taylor told the Nunatsiaq News of Iqaluit in the Arctic territory of Nunavut. Earlier, in a long telephone conversation, Dr. Taylor explained "his conviction that threats to polar bears from global warming are exaggerated and that their numbers are increasing." He has studied the animals for the Nunavut government for two decades.

"I'm pretty sure the numbers [of polar bears] are climbing," says Pitselak Pudlat, an Inuit hunter and manager of the Aiviq Hunters and Trappers Organization at Cape Dorset, Baffin Island. "During the winter there were polar bears coming into town." ~Christian Science Monitor

I will provide you with a link to the NY Times showing that "scientist" are forging data to favor global warming. Read for yourself. You decide.

So yet again I have been proven to be correct. I say this not to be bragging but to point out the fact of what loons those on the left are and the deceptions they use to make people "care" about bogus issues.

Finally I will prove my point, yet again, on this final issue. Democrats are anti-American. I've said over and over that the democrats do NOT care about our military men and women. I have said again that the democrats blame America for all the worlds problems. I constantly recieve grief over these sayings. It would be easy to point out the closing of Git-Mo as something that shows favoritism to our enemies. It would be easy to point out that holding those terrorist responsible in a court of law instead of a military tribunal is something that will provide a platform for the Muslim's of the world. It would be easy to point out the months of requesting and begging from our generals to send 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan to win this war, and Barack Hussein Obama's hesitation to do so, as showing our enemies what a weak and timid administration we now have. However, I will prove my theory of the "Obama adminstration bending over and grabbing their collective ankles to all our enemies." Here is today's quote of the day. Side note, it is now 11-24-09. This was said on 11-11-09 and is just now getting out. Noooooooooooo, there is no media bias.

" I welcome anyone SUPPORTING the Taliban who renounces al-Qaida, lays down their arms and is willing to participate in the free and open society that is enshrined in the Afghan Constitution." Hillary Clinton (D)

This is the same as saying, " I welcome any Nazi that says they won't kill Jews to the table."

This is why I propose, while the Obama administration is in office, we remove the stars from our flag and replace it with a HUGE vagina.


  1. Matthew, I have to say that I truly miss the years when we left the little town of Kenova, WV and came to KY. I know now that what childhood friendship we had would have only grown stronger. My views and beliefs are truly in line with yours in everything you have stated here. Keep up the good work on spreading how the Dems and Liberals are running this country and everything else they talk about into the ground. I look forward to reading more.

    Jeff Straley

  2. i was fine until you just had to say vagina at the end. i'm sure someone will call you sexist for that, but what do i know

  3. You're secretly calling me one now Carollee :) And Jeff, i remember many a time playing backgamon with you up in the room during our little league days doing things we shouldnt have been. :)
