Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hypocrisy at its Finest

"Houston Hit With Earliest Snowfall in 100 Years" ~Associated Press

As I was walking towards my car getting ready to leave for work I noticed something. It was freezing outside. What made me realize this was, in my 10 second walk from my home to my car, my "guy" had shriveled up like a frightened turtle retreating into his shell. As I was praying to Obama, I mean, as I was praying to God for instant warmth a thought suddenly emerged to me. "Where is global warming when you need it?" It was then that another thought entered my mind. See folks, this is how I tick. A thought will enter my mind, then another and another and so on. Eventually, I will research these thoughts myself and then feel the strong urge to educate all that I know or that will listen on my findings.
My second thought was this. "Have you ever noticed that the 'global warming' hype usually hits its peak every year between June and August?" Eventually the tree humpers will blame SUMMER on global warming. Even though it has been PROVEN that the scientist are lying about global warming, even though there is clear evidence that an actual COOLING is taking place, people are STILL refusing to face the facts. Instead of our democrat-led congress wanting to investigate these "scientist" they instead are hellbent on prosecuting those that hacked into their email. Side note- Where were these people when Sarah Palin's private emails were hacked in to? This further proves my point that global warming is no longer a cause it is a religion.
While I grant that everyone has the right to take part in whatever religion they want all I ask is that they admit as such. In my own belief I feel the only true religion is Christianity. However, if you want to pray to a fat Chinese statue that is your right and I will support it. If you want to pray to a woman that sits indian style with her hands together that is your right as well. I will support it. If you don't believe in ANYTHING then that is your right and I will support that also.
I realize that some of you may scoff at me claiming that global warming is a religion. I FINALLY have proof of it. Just read this article.
Now I can assure you that had this climate summit been held during an Islamic holiday there would not have been any objections to any religious symbols. However, a Christmas tree is supposed to cause some kind of uproar? The answer is actually, yes. You can't go into a Muslim's home and expect to see a Christmas tree. You can't go into the home of a Buddhist and expect to see a manger display. And you can't go to a climate conference and expect to see anything in reference to the birth of Jesus because it IS NOT THEIR RELIGION.

Only anti-american democrats would actually take part in this sham of a conference even after it has been proven to all have been a myth. Only anti-american liberals will tell YOU to drive hybrids, take public transit, or fly coach even though they ride around in gas guzzling cars and wing across the world in private jets. Am i just being nuts again? Read THIS story.

If you read an earlier post of mine you will recall how I said that global warming and whores go hand in hand. I'm sure you thought, "Oh there goes Matthew again just trying to push peoples buttons and say outrageous things." I can not beg to you enough to read the FULL article above. You will see, yet again, that I know what I'm talking about.

Folks, I beg of you, it's time to end the PC era in this country. It's time to start doing things based on common sense and not what makes you feel good. If you want to save your pop cans and recycle them for a few extra bucks, fine. If you want to buy a hybrid because gas prices are outrageous, fine. If you want to buy a fancy new lightbulb because it saves on your energy bill, fine. Just don't do these things because you think you are saving the planet. The planet doesn't need saving. It's fine. We are not going to melt. Polar bears are not going to drown in the ocean. This planet has endured major storms, major earthquakes, major eruptions and massive extinctions, yet, we're still here? However a cow fart and an SUV are going to bring us all crashing down in a burning ball of flames? C'mon people! In the words of my man Chad OchoCinco, "Child Please!"

Ok, so here is my "outrageous" part just to irk those that disagree with me. If after all that I've shown and all that has been leaked and reported you still believe in this fake religion, I ask this to you. I'm sure you've heard the age old question, "If a tree falls in the forrest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" Well, if a global warming man is in the forrest and there's a tree with a hole in it and nobody is around to see, does he hump it? The answer to both.....................................YES!