Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hypocrisy at its Finest

"Houston Hit With Earliest Snowfall in 100 Years" ~Associated Press

As I was walking towards my car getting ready to leave for work I noticed something. It was freezing outside. What made me realize this was, in my 10 second walk from my home to my car, my "guy" had shriveled up like a frightened turtle retreating into his shell. As I was praying to Obama, I mean, as I was praying to God for instant warmth a thought suddenly emerged to me. "Where is global warming when you need it?" It was then that another thought entered my mind. See folks, this is how I tick. A thought will enter my mind, then another and another and so on. Eventually, I will research these thoughts myself and then feel the strong urge to educate all that I know or that will listen on my findings.
My second thought was this. "Have you ever noticed that the 'global warming' hype usually hits its peak every year between June and August?" Eventually the tree humpers will blame SUMMER on global warming. Even though it has been PROVEN that the scientist are lying about global warming, even though there is clear evidence that an actual COOLING is taking place, people are STILL refusing to face the facts. Instead of our democrat-led congress wanting to investigate these "scientist" they instead are hellbent on prosecuting those that hacked into their email. Side note- Where were these people when Sarah Palin's private emails were hacked in to? This further proves my point that global warming is no longer a cause it is a religion.
While I grant that everyone has the right to take part in whatever religion they want all I ask is that they admit as such. In my own belief I feel the only true religion is Christianity. However, if you want to pray to a fat Chinese statue that is your right and I will support it. If you want to pray to a woman that sits indian style with her hands together that is your right as well. I will support it. If you don't believe in ANYTHING then that is your right and I will support that also.
I realize that some of you may scoff at me claiming that global warming is a religion. I FINALLY have proof of it. Just read this article.
Now I can assure you that had this climate summit been held during an Islamic holiday there would not have been any objections to any religious symbols. However, a Christmas tree is supposed to cause some kind of uproar? The answer is actually, yes. You can't go into a Muslim's home and expect to see a Christmas tree. You can't go into the home of a Buddhist and expect to see a manger display. And you can't go to a climate conference and expect to see anything in reference to the birth of Jesus because it IS NOT THEIR RELIGION.

Only anti-american democrats would actually take part in this sham of a conference even after it has been proven to all have been a myth. Only anti-american liberals will tell YOU to drive hybrids, take public transit, or fly coach even though they ride around in gas guzzling cars and wing across the world in private jets. Am i just being nuts again? Read THIS story.

If you read an earlier post of mine you will recall how I said that global warming and whores go hand in hand. I'm sure you thought, "Oh there goes Matthew again just trying to push peoples buttons and say outrageous things." I can not beg to you enough to read the FULL article above. You will see, yet again, that I know what I'm talking about.

Folks, I beg of you, it's time to end the PC era in this country. It's time to start doing things based on common sense and not what makes you feel good. If you want to save your pop cans and recycle them for a few extra bucks, fine. If you want to buy a hybrid because gas prices are outrageous, fine. If you want to buy a fancy new lightbulb because it saves on your energy bill, fine. Just don't do these things because you think you are saving the planet. The planet doesn't need saving. It's fine. We are not going to melt. Polar bears are not going to drown in the ocean. This planet has endured major storms, major earthquakes, major eruptions and massive extinctions, yet, we're still here? However a cow fart and an SUV are going to bring us all crashing down in a burning ball of flames? C'mon people! In the words of my man Chad OchoCinco, "Child Please!"

Ok, so here is my "outrageous" part just to irk those that disagree with me. If after all that I've shown and all that has been leaked and reported you still believe in this fake religion, I ask this to you. I'm sure you've heard the age old question, "If a tree falls in the forrest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" Well, if a global warming man is in the forrest and there's a tree with a hole in it and nobody is around to see, does he hump it? The answer to both.....................................YES!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Proof that democrats are the dumbest people alive

Good afternoon all. Nothing has really caught my eye this week that I could blog about. So to kill some time I've decided to give you some famous, and not so famous, quotes from democrats that prove just how stupid they really are. Some will also show that lying comes as natural as breathing to these people. Some will also show who the racists are and who the true party is that plays that very race card.
"A zebra does not change its spots." ~ Al Gore 1992
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet"~ Al Gore 1999
(What we now call the "internet" was actually invented in 1969. Al Gore began his 1st term as congressman in 1977)
"I, too, have trouble turning on a computer - let alone using one." ~Al Gore 1998 (Please refer back to above quote)
"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."~ Barack Hussein Obama
""I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go."~Barack Hussein Obama-2008 while on the campaign trail.
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed."~Barack Hussein Obama- 2007 (Refering to a tornado in Kansas that killed 12 people.
"There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use that word." WV Sen. Robert Byrd- 2001
"I will never submit to fight beneath that banner (the American flag) with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." WV Sen. Robert Byrd- 1947 (Now you watch all the praise that is thrown to him by Obama when this old fart kicks the bucket)
"They reminded me of the racially motivated church burnings in the Arkansas of my youth."~Bill Clinton-1996 refering to a recent string of church burnings(No churches were burned in Arkansas the entire time Clinton lived there)
" This is a man who has used poison gas on his own people and on his neighbors repeatedly. He’s trying to get ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons. He could be a mass murderer of the first order of magnitude. We are not going to allow that to happen." ~Al Gore 1998-refering to Sadaam Hussein
"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." ~Al Gore-2002
"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."~Al Gore-2002
"He betrayed this country! He played on our fears! He took America on an ill-conceived foreign adventure dangerous to our troops, an adventure preordained and planned before 9/11 ever took place." ~Al Gore-2004 (Refering to how Bush lied about WMD in Iraq) (Please see above 3 quotes)
Chew on these for awhile folks. I will be back soon to prove, yet again, just how right I always am.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Our Military-Our Country-Our President

While most of us spend our Thanksgiving holiday with our family and loved ones there are those that are thousands of miles away. Away from their homes, away from their families, risking their lives to allow us to sit down and eat turkey with the ones we hold dear.
As we sit in our lazy-boys watching football with a stomach full of turkey, know that there is someone in Washington, D.C. that is full of something else.
Soon you will hear President Obamas speech in which he will be talking about sending 30,000+ troops to Afghanistan. I will give him SLIGHT praise for making this move. However, let us not forget that his generals have been asking for this for over three months. They also requested at least 40,000. It's obvious to me, once again, I have been right all along. This may come as a shock to my new readers but I feel obligated to tell you that I am never wrong. What i say you can take to the bank.

In this speech you will hear President Obama talk about his reasons for sending the additional troops. He may even give you a limited outline on his plans on winning the war. Make no mistake folks, democrats do NOT want us to win this war. The democratic party of today is rooting for a U.S. victory about as much as those in the Taliban are. However, they know they have to put on a good show or else it would be political suicide.

Some of you may think my views are extreme. Again let me remind you that I don't base my views on simply because I'm a republican. I base them on facts. I base them on truth that is told through LEGIT media and not those that are in the tank for Obama.

Finally, I will let YOU decide without me putting my two cents in. Below I will attach a story that you need to read and make up your own mind. Keep in mind, this is OBAMA'S military now. Carollee, and all you others who may have friends or family that are serving in the military need to read this story and take it very seriously. I would be willing to bet that the majority of you haven't even heard about this. Why? Because it proves my point, the media is in the tank for Obama. What you will read in this story has sickened me beyond belief. After you read this story talk to your friends. Call your family. Get the word out about this story. This story HAS to be told. It has to be known. It has to be understood that this is happening under President Barack Hussein Obama's watch. It is HIS administration that is pushing for this.

Once you have read this story, if you have the time, quickly scan over my earlier blogs and you will see all the evidence for yourself. You will see and finally understand that the democratic party is 100% anti-american. If the tables were turned and this was George W. Bush there would be cries for impeachment. You won't hear those cries now even though I'm sure there are those on the republican side that think it. They will remain silent out of fear of being branded a racist. Even if they were to speak they would be swept under the rug by the media. My take on it is this. I do NOT want President Barack Hussein Obama impeached. I want him to serve his full term. I want him to do so much damage to this country so all the idiots that voted for him will see what they have done. I want those people that voted for him just because he is black to see what he has done. I want those white people that voted for him out of fear of being labeled a racist to see what he has done. I want those that voted for him because they wanted "change" to see the change they forced upon us all.
The United States of America is at her weakest in our history............................and it's only just begun.,2933,576646,00.html

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Amaze Others But Not Myself

What I find amazing is that not all of the people find me amazing. I've yet to fully understand it. The only thing I can think of is that my confidence seems to come across as arrogance to some people. When one does nothing but speak the truth and others have different views it tends to rub them the wrong way. Case in point, liberals. Liberals and democrats are liars, plain and simple. Liberals and democrats are people that impose PC rules on others all the while living a lifestyle that goes totally against what they preach. Ex: Liberals claim to love the black man and all minorities while they claim that the eeeeeeeeevil conservatives are the REAL racists. Let me provide you with some material that will prove who the true racist party is.

"A brutally violent act that, in effect, stabbed Dr. King paving the way back toward slavery.

At night, the enemies of civil rights strike in white sheets, burning crosses. . . . By day, they strike in black robes." ~Jesse Jackson (D) referring to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (R) vote on affirmitave action

"If you give Thomas a little flour on his face, you’d think you had [former Klansman] David Duke." ~SanFrancisco mayor Willie Brown (D) in reference to Clarence Thomas (R)

"He's a a handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom."~ Spike Lee refering to Clarence Thomas

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American presidential candidate who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." ~ VP Joe Biden refering to his future boss President Barack Hussein Obama.

"In Deleware you cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.” ~ VP Joe Biden refering to the Indian population in his homestate of Delware.

"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on. Sen. Obama's support among working, hardworking Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me. There's a pattern emerging here." ~Sen. Hillary Clinton during the '08 Presidential Campaign

These are just a few examples I could give you. What is different about me that makes myself and my blog so awesome is that I give you the news before it actually happens. This proves a couple of points. 1) I know what I'm talking about and 2) I'm always right.

Ex. Global Warming. If you read my blog about this subject you will know where I stand. I published that blog because 1) It was the TRUTH and 2) I feel the need to do my best to stop this growing religion in its tracks. I've gotten a huge backlash from friends and family about my "in your face" style of writing regarding this subject. My own Aunt has disowned me for playing the "polar bear" card. "How could I be so heartless as to not care about the polar bears", she asked. Which in essence proved my point on how liberals tug at the heartstrings of people instead of allowing them to use common sense. Above you will notice an article that I copied and pasted to this blog. This is an article in the April '1975 issue of NewsWeek that speaks of an impending ice age. So in the matter of roughly 25 years we have went from freezing to death to burning in a ball of flames?

The only thing "man-made" about global warming is the "threat" it possesses to our earth. If polar bears were actually in danger of extinction of course I would care. However they are not. So to dispell the myth of global warming yet again I will provide you with even MORE facts about this pretend issue.

"There aren't just a few more bears. There are a ... lot more bears," biologist Mitchell Taylor told the Nunatsiaq News of Iqaluit in the Arctic territory of Nunavut. Earlier, in a long telephone conversation, Dr. Taylor explained "his conviction that threats to polar bears from global warming are exaggerated and that their numbers are increasing." He has studied the animals for the Nunavut government for two decades.

"I'm pretty sure the numbers [of polar bears] are climbing," says Pitselak Pudlat, an Inuit hunter and manager of the Aiviq Hunters and Trappers Organization at Cape Dorset, Baffin Island. "During the winter there were polar bears coming into town." ~Christian Science Monitor

I will provide you with a link to the NY Times showing that "scientist" are forging data to favor global warming. Read for yourself. You decide.

So yet again I have been proven to be correct. I say this not to be bragging but to point out the fact of what loons those on the left are and the deceptions they use to make people "care" about bogus issues.

Finally I will prove my point, yet again, on this final issue. Democrats are anti-American. I've said over and over that the democrats do NOT care about our military men and women. I have said again that the democrats blame America for all the worlds problems. I constantly recieve grief over these sayings. It would be easy to point out the closing of Git-Mo as something that shows favoritism to our enemies. It would be easy to point out that holding those terrorist responsible in a court of law instead of a military tribunal is something that will provide a platform for the Muslim's of the world. It would be easy to point out the months of requesting and begging from our generals to send 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan to win this war, and Barack Hussein Obama's hesitation to do so, as showing our enemies what a weak and timid administration we now have. However, I will prove my theory of the "Obama adminstration bending over and grabbing their collective ankles to all our enemies." Here is today's quote of the day. Side note, it is now 11-24-09. This was said on 11-11-09 and is just now getting out. Noooooooooooo, there is no media bias.

" I welcome anyone SUPPORTING the Taliban who renounces al-Qaida, lays down their arms and is willing to participate in the free and open society that is enshrined in the Afghan Constitution." Hillary Clinton (D)

This is the same as saying, " I welcome any Nazi that says they won't kill Jews to the table."

This is why I propose, while the Obama administration is in office, we remove the stars from our flag and replace it with a HUGE vagina.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Global Warming and Whores Go Hand in Hand

Hello my friends. Do you recall how Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet? Oh Al, so many laughs I have had at your expense. It's so refreshing to know that there is someone out there that far surpasses me in stupidity.

However, there is one thing that Al Gore invented that he has never taken credit for. Global Warming. He first started spewing his lies and distortions about the environment back in the early 90's. Back then I stated that he harped on this non-existant issue to project the image that democrats "care more" than republicans do. While far more important things were going on during the Clinton/Gore administration the grand ole VP kept spewing his lies about how the earth will melt in 100 years if we don't do something about it.

Every week or so you will read in the paper about a new "threat" to our environment. It first started out as the big energy plants that were going to cause our planet to melt. Then it was our deodorant and hairspray. Then it quickly shifted gears to the vehicles that we drive. If you listen to these arguments you will see, if you read between the lines, that the hole in the Ozone was caused by the United States of America. Do you ever hear of anyone else being blamed?

As the years went on this same lie was told over and over again. Eventually, the TV networks picked up on it which lead to them repeating the same lies. Why would they do that? Because Al Gore is a liberal, the media is liberal, a perfect marriage.

I never really understood how one can claim that mankind could destroy what God has created? You could set off every nuclear bomb in the world and the earth will still be here. Sure, we would all be dead, however Mother Earth would survive, adapt, and breed new life again. This is what God created yet somehow SUV's have the ability to thwart his master plan?

Then about a year or so ago came the reports that cow farts, you heard me right, cow farts play a role in destroying the Ozone layer. So now, not only can an SUV spoil God's creation but a farting cow has the power to bring the Almighty's masterpiece down.

After I realized how insane all of this sounded I decided to do a little searching of the facts on my own. Do you realize that Al Gore has multi-millions of dollars invested in many different kinds of "green" energy and "green" products? This means, if you the public, buy into all this hogwash you will switch to a hybrid car, you will switch to solar panels, you will switch to those goofy lookin' light bulbs. Basically, by you believing this lie, just because it makes you feel good, you are making Al Gore a billionaire.

Well, it's worked. Everywhere you look it is "green" this and "green" that. If saving the environment on its own isn't reason enough for you to do something that makes you feel special then the liberal loons will play on your heartstrings. The poor polar bear "stuck on a small piece of an iceberg" floating adrift at sea, certain for doom all caused by global warming, THAT makes animal lovers have to act, doesn't it? That is what the picture is meant to imply. What it doesn't tell you or show you is that there is a huge ice mass just out of picture and this polar bear in question was in the water and climbed onto this block of ice to get a better look of the boat, from which the picture was taken, when it was passing by.
Be that as it may, that was the final play to get women, gays, and sensitive animal lovers onboard the Global Warming express. Al Gore made billions. His plan.. a success. Now comes a new twist to his master plan. I can only assume that he is not happy by fooling the entire masses of people that have a heart. First he states the earth will melt and our children will perish in a ball of fire. That pulled on the heart strings of all the parents out there. That's 80% of the people. 20% to go. To get the remaining people he played the polar bear card. Why just polar bears? Because they are cute. If it effected rats nobody would give a damn. So now he just picked up 19% more people. That's 99% of all the people with hearts and souls.
What is left you ask? What's left is the 1% of people that think they can save absolutely everyone and only blame all bad things on global warming. Hopefully, after reading the story that I have attached and reading my views on FACTS about global warming, you will come to the conclusion that this is a completely made up crisis and that all that believe in the end result of certain death are 100% retarded.
While reading this newspaper story, do so knowing that this is the ONE result that I hope is real due to this made up movement.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The most feared woman in all of America

You may ask yourself, "Why do people hate Sarah Palin?" It's very simple really. The answer to this question is a two part response.
Those in the media hate her because she is the anti-woman that they believe in. As we all know, 95% of the media is biased towards liberals and their causes. Seemingly, out of nowhere, came a captivating woman, with a conservative message, that sparked a movement in the United States. I will argue that the majority of people that voted for John McCain actually were voting for Sarah Palin. I include myself in that group. I supported Sen. McCain based on his views of the military and that is about where the support ended. Other than supporting a strong and elite military there isn't a conservative bone in his body. However, Sarah Palin is top to bottom conservative.
Along came this woman from Alaska that went against every liberal agenda the fringe media has tried to forcefeed the American public for decades. She believes in limited governement, a less intrusive government in both private life and business. Here was a woman that admitting needing the support of her husband to help properly raise her family. Here was a woman, upon learning that her unborn child had down syndrome, decided not to kill it. Instead, she allowed the baby to have life and live in a loving family. If you combine all of these conservative values and couple that with the combination of her captivating a nation and the media being in the tank for the closet muslim, Barack Obama, the media tried at every turn to make her look foolish.
There will always be gaffes made by presidential and vice presidential candidates on the campaign trail. Whenever Sarah Palin would make such a gaffe it would be national news for days on end. The media would hammer the message into the simple minded brains of those that are democrats and those that claim the "Independant" title. On the other hand, if the closet muslim, Barack Hussein Obama, made such a gaffe the media would try its best to sweep it under the rug. For example, when talking about where all he has been on his campaign trail the future president stated, "I have been to all 57 states with 2 more to go I think." I'd be willing to bet you didn't know he said that. There are many more examples but I won't bore you. I shall save them for later.
As far as why those in the democratic party hate her, it's very simple actually. Sarah Palin is a TRUE american woman. She believes in family. She believes in the core family unit. She belives in the sanctity of marriage including equal roles between a husband and a wife.
I will leave you though with the overwhelming reason on why democrats hate Sarah Palin and this will be your homework for the day. I've already provided you with a picture of Mrs. Palin. Now I ask you to google for pictures of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, just to name a few. These are all democrat women. What do they all have in common? They are all ugly hags. They hate Sarah Palin due to the most basic, high school levels of jealousy and envy, because she is prettier than them.
#1 example of this, Nancy Pelosi. She has spent thousands on plastic surgery to try to make herself look pretty. Instead, her skin looks like leather and she has a face that looks like its being constantly pulled on. Whereas you take Mrs. Palin and she has a natural beauty. Mark my words, in the coming days you will hear people talk about how Sarah Palin is trying to use her "sexuality" to draw attention to herself based on the NewsWeek photo. Basically what this means is, "Our side has all the ugly hags. Damn that Sarah Palin for being a successful conservative woman that just happens to be beautiful." Not bad for a mother of 4 in her mid 40's.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Obama's support for our troops. You be the judge

The news of the day, 13 dead and 30 wounded in a massacre at Fort Hood, Texas. This was not a mass murder. This was not a random act of violence. This wasn't an unspeakable tragedy. This was a TERRORIST attack carried about by a MUSLIM terrorist. Speaking of Muslim's, when terrible events such as this happen a nation will turn to its President and look for words of comfort and calm, steady leadership.
Then President Obama starts to speak. After such a terrorist attack has occured you'd expect President Obama to say some words of comfort for the nation or send his condolences to the families of the dead. No, instead, for two minutes he rambles on about some B.S. Native American conference that he was involved in. At one point he even threw a "shout out" to one person over the great job he did with organizing the conference. At the 2:00 minute mark in this clip, Obama says with almost disappointment in his voice, that he had planned to talk about this conference in further detail but unfortunately a "tragedy" had occured.
I don't make this stuff up folks. I don't hate democrats because they are democrats. I don't say lightly that democrats are against our troops. The evidence though continues to mount almost on a daily basis.
As you watch this keep one thing in mind. As President Obama is hurling "shout outs" as if he was on TRL, as he is talking about what a bangin' time he had at some dope conference remember this. He KNEW that American SOLDIERS had been murdered in a terrorist attack and felt he could ramble on about some B.S. for two minutes before referring to it. This tells me he talked about how "selfless" and "brave" our soldiers are simply because it would be political suicide not to. In other words, HE HAD TO.

1) You have this video clip as an example.
2) The President is shutting down Git-Mo.
3) Generals ask, beg, for more troops in order for us to win in Afghanistan. Obama still hasn't responded to this request.
4) President Obama blew off German Chancellor Angela Merkel's invitation to celebrate the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. Why? In my opinion, because it represented freedom.
5) You have all my other examples on my first blog.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Islam: A religion of peace and love

Verse K 8:012 "...make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them."

Let me go ahead and stop you before you start to tell me that their are extremist in every religion. The quote that I cited above is one of many as such that can be found in the Koran. Sure there are rare cases where Christians go out and kill abortion doctors in the name of God. They are the misguided souls, they are those that abuse a religion, they are those that are purely insane. It's time for someone to call it as it is. The time is now and that someone is me.
Islam is a religion of war. It's a religion of murder. Today in Ft. Hood, Texas 12 people were murdered and 31 injured by a lone gunman. The lone gunman was a "disgruntled Major" named Nidal Malik Hasan. Can you take a shot in the dark at what his religion might be?
Those in the media, except for one news organization, are terrified to even say a Muslim name let alone blame a Muslim for a mass murder. Why? Because it's not politcally correct. In this country, only Christianity is allowed to be made fun of, mocked, and put down.
It's time to end these wars. When a group of soldiers fight for a country they will stop when told. When a group of terrorists fight for their "God" they will stop only when all are dead. I remember a time when America actually fought wars to win them. Now we have a President that is going around the world and apologizing on behalf of America for our "arrogance."
Obama claimed during his campaign that he would put an end to both wars. Does it look like he is doing that to you? Instead, when Generals on the ground in Afghanistan are asking for more troops, President Obama is not acting on this request. Instead, he is out playing golf. Instead, he is wanting to close Git-Mo. Instead, he is hosting Halloween parties. If you are not going to give the Generals what they ask, pull all of them out. These wars should end. I differ in the end result with the democrats though.
The democrats want to end the war based on bending over and grabbing our collective ankles to the terrorist. Myself, there is only one true way to totally eliminate this problem. Kill them all! We have the mightiest military in all the world, it's time we used it. You don't fight wars to tie with the enemy. You don't fight wars to barely win. We fight wars to decimate the other side and free a supressed people. We kill the bad guys.
Those in the Muslim world kill innocence. They actually kill other muslim's. Those in the liberal media will be quick to remind you of all the innocent civilians that have been killed in Iraq since we have been there. They will IMPLY that it is our men and women that caused this yet in reality it is the TERRORIST that are killing the innocent.
I will close this blog with quotes from democrats and those from republicans. As always, you can decide which party TRULY supports our boys in harms way.
"I sent American troops to Iraq to make its people free, not to make them American. Iraqis will write their own history and find their own way." George W. Bush (R)
"this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq." Harry Reid (D) Said during a time of war. Also it has been proven that the surge DID achieve its goal.
"Our soldiers are terrorizing innocent women and children by dark of night." Sen. John Kerry (D)
"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings." Dick Durbin (D)
"Our troops overreacted and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood." John Murtha (D)
"You know what? Bless your heart sir. My son's over in Iraq right now fighting for your right to protest." Sarah Palin (R)
"America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our people." George W. Bush (R)
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan (R)
"I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear." Barack Obama (D)