Monday, November 16, 2009

The most feared woman in all of America

You may ask yourself, "Why do people hate Sarah Palin?" It's very simple really. The answer to this question is a two part response.
Those in the media hate her because she is the anti-woman that they believe in. As we all know, 95% of the media is biased towards liberals and their causes. Seemingly, out of nowhere, came a captivating woman, with a conservative message, that sparked a movement in the United States. I will argue that the majority of people that voted for John McCain actually were voting for Sarah Palin. I include myself in that group. I supported Sen. McCain based on his views of the military and that is about where the support ended. Other than supporting a strong and elite military there isn't a conservative bone in his body. However, Sarah Palin is top to bottom conservative.
Along came this woman from Alaska that went against every liberal agenda the fringe media has tried to forcefeed the American public for decades. She believes in limited governement, a less intrusive government in both private life and business. Here was a woman that admitting needing the support of her husband to help properly raise her family. Here was a woman, upon learning that her unborn child had down syndrome, decided not to kill it. Instead, she allowed the baby to have life and live in a loving family. If you combine all of these conservative values and couple that with the combination of her captivating a nation and the media being in the tank for the closet muslim, Barack Obama, the media tried at every turn to make her look foolish.
There will always be gaffes made by presidential and vice presidential candidates on the campaign trail. Whenever Sarah Palin would make such a gaffe it would be national news for days on end. The media would hammer the message into the simple minded brains of those that are democrats and those that claim the "Independant" title. On the other hand, if the closet muslim, Barack Hussein Obama, made such a gaffe the media would try its best to sweep it under the rug. For example, when talking about where all he has been on his campaign trail the future president stated, "I have been to all 57 states with 2 more to go I think." I'd be willing to bet you didn't know he said that. There are many more examples but I won't bore you. I shall save them for later.
As far as why those in the democratic party hate her, it's very simple actually. Sarah Palin is a TRUE american woman. She believes in family. She believes in the core family unit. She belives in the sanctity of marriage including equal roles between a husband and a wife.
I will leave you though with the overwhelming reason on why democrats hate Sarah Palin and this will be your homework for the day. I've already provided you with a picture of Mrs. Palin. Now I ask you to google for pictures of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, just to name a few. These are all democrat women. What do they all have in common? They are all ugly hags. They hate Sarah Palin due to the most basic, high school levels of jealousy and envy, because she is prettier than them.
#1 example of this, Nancy Pelosi. She has spent thousands on plastic surgery to try to make herself look pretty. Instead, her skin looks like leather and she has a face that looks like its being constantly pulled on. Whereas you take Mrs. Palin and she has a natural beauty. Mark my words, in the coming days you will hear people talk about how Sarah Palin is trying to use her "sexuality" to draw attention to herself based on the NewsWeek photo. Basically what this means is, "Our side has all the ugly hags. Damn that Sarah Palin for being a successful conservative woman that just happens to be beautiful." Not bad for a mother of 4 in her mid 40's.


  1. For some reason I thought she had 4 kids.. anyways, I'm laughing at the "old hags" homework assignment. Great blog... however, please consider sending me a rough draft so I can fix your grammar. :)

  2. You are correct Carollee, she DOES have 4 kids. That was an error on my part. As for my grammar, while Im sure it is bad. It is my poor grammar that adds to my personality.
